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Covid-19 and Safety Measures for Nepal Travel

7 July, 2020
- Krishna Thapa

Is Nepal safe from COVID-19?

COVID-19 or the Corona Virus has completely entrapped the whole world in its grip. The virus is believed to have been originated from Wuhan province of China. Soon, it travelled across the world and began to suffer the people. Business, educational institution, domestic and international flights, travelling and walking freely into the crowd were banned and people were to be in quarantine. A big loss has been experienced by humans since its origination till the date. Even the most powerful countries like China itself, USA and other European countries could do nothing to battle this virus and still spreading to every corner of the world. The world has totally been paralyzed at the moment. 

All the sectors like education, health, business, tourism, farming, construction and transportation are adversely affected by COVID-19. The schools, colleges and universities are shut down. Millions of students are to remain at home. Likewise, all the health care centers are not operating their services except few government hospitals due to the panic created by Corona virus pandemic. Due to the lack of prompt and qualitative health services, people are losing their lives day by day. Most of the business houses are closed and the owners are worried about their family and future. There are very few business transactions these days. Also farming, construction and transportation are remarkably low. 

Tourism is the most devastated sector among all due to COVID-19.  All the scheduled travel plans are cancelled and there is no sign of new booking for new travel programs for the coming years. The travel and trekking companies, hotels and airlines are hit hard by this COVID-19. They are worrying about how to pay the heavy loans obtained from the banks. Especially, Nepal had declared to observe 2020 as Tourism Year. All the preparations from both Government and private sector had been completed. Huge amount of money had been invested in promotion in international arena. Even, the minister for tourism and the president had jointly inaugurated the 2020 as Visit Nepal Year officially at the end of 2019. But, when the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak covered all the international and domestic Medias, Visit Nepal -2020 was cancelled and now the government and the private sector are sitting together to revive Nepal tourism as it was before the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Those who were directly and indirectly connected to Tourism are unemployed now. They are doing alternative jobs for their survival. The trekking and tour leaders are at home and looking forward to see the golden rays into the darkness resulted by COVID-10 pandemic. The porters and other crew members are employed as laborers. And, the owners of travel and tour companies and the hotels are interacting on how to survive during this crisis. Actually, the mountain regions of Nepal where breathtaking Himalayan ranges lies are not much affected by COVID-10 pandemic. The local lodge owners are still hopeful to receive trekkers in coming years. The trekking and tour routes are still virgin and waiting to be explored. Hope this pandemic will go away soon and people can travel across the world soon. 

Safety Measures for COVID-19 

-          Use Sanitizer Frequently 

-          Wash your hand and face with soap and water instantly 

-          Avoid going into the crowd 

-          Build up high confidence 

-          Protect yourself from cold

-          Have balanced diet 

-          Use medical mask while going into the crowd

-          Maintain at least 6 feet distance while getting to the people 

-          Stay at home if you have cough and cold

-          Cover your month with piece of cloth or hand while sneezing and coughing   



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